An analysis of awcv9kjlh scwrlkjf4e
This is a page solely dedicated to awcv9kjlh scwrlkjf4e . This may not have any correlation to the rest of my website, but isn't that the beauty of randomness?
So say hello to this random new abstract idea! awcv9kjlh scwrlkjf4e forever
Also, be sure to check out this awesome file about this concept!
Research article on awcv9kjlh_scwrlkjf4e
Unable to view the video? Here is the link!
I have also maintained a Github repository for those who might be interested! Github Link for awcv9kjlh scwrlkjf4e
Also check out my other website on the domain for this task: girishk14's repository on awcv9kjlh scwrlkjf4e
Interested to know more? There are a whole lot of us working on this! My roommate's research on this topic
- Intro to Natural Language Processing on Coursera by U of Michigan
- Intro to Artificial Intelligence course on Udacity which also covers NLP
- Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing (2015 classes) by Richard Socher
- Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing (2016 classes) by Richard Socher. Updated to make use of Tensorflow. Note that there are some lectures missing (lecture 9, and lectures 12 onwards).
- Natural Language Processing - course on Coursera that was only done in 2013. The videos are not available at the moment. Also Mike Collins is a great professor and his notes and lectures are very good.
- Statistical Machine Translation - a Machine Translation course with great assignments and slides.
- Udacity Deep Learning Deep Learning course on Udacity (using Tensorflow) which covers a section on using deep learning for NLP tasks (covering Word2Vec, RNN's and LSTMs).
- NLTK with Python 3 for Natural Language Processing by Harrison Kinsley(sentdex). Good tutorials with NLTK code implementation.
My friend Richa has also been working on this! Check it out!